How to turn a 32 Bit Computer to 64 bit? What are x86 and x64

In this post, I will try to clear a misconception that many people have about CPU architecture and Bit of a CPU. You cannot convert a 32-bit computer into a 64 bit one because a 32-bit CPU is very different from a 64 bit one physically and the way they handle memory address and computational values are very different from each other. In a 32-bit CPU, you cannot add more than 4 GB of ram hence there is a limitation in it, and on the other hand you can add up to 2tb of ram in a 64-bit CPU without any problem.

64-bit computers are designed to do multi-tasking and heavy task where you are required to run multiple software at the same time whereas a 32-bit computer can only have up to 4 GB of ram which is okay if you are doing normal tasks but not suitable for hardcore multitasking.

If you have ever installed Windows operating system then you must be aware that there are two versions of Windows x86 (32-Bit) and x64 (64-Bit).

So now you know which version is best for you and why there are two versions and how and when to use them. Please help this website by sharing this article with your friends. Also, share your thoughts with me.


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