Why BGMI has been Banned in INDIA

In this post I will talk about why BGMI has banned from India why this game is not available on playstore and apples App Store as well as you know there was a news coming from India where a 16 year old boy killed his mother just for the scheme also you know that recently last year the government has banned more than 200 applications because these applications were Chinese and sharing important and confidential data of Indian citizen to Chinese servers. The battlegrounds mobile India game is said to be the exact copy of player unknowns battleground they have not changed anything but only changed the name of this game just to launch in India bypassing the restrictions and law of India. Krafton which is the parent company powering this game has not launched any statement regarding this but we cannot find this game on play store or apple store. Please note that free fire was also banned but people are playing free fire Max which is the second version of a popular video game free fire also note that there is a game called PUBG’s new state which is a new version of BGMI and this game is freely available on play store so players who play this game can now enjoy new state as it is not being blocked by the government. We will update you as soon as we get any update from the publisher of this game or Google also Google has released a statement in which Google said that this game is being removed after getting orders from the government so we are quite clear and confirmed that this scheme has been banned by the Indian government in India according to the IT sections of Indian law.


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